Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Market Manager

The Lynchburg Community Market has a new manager.  Welcome to Jennifer Kennedy.  I met her yesterday and she's very nice.  She told me that she wants to get together with each vendor, individually, and I'm looking forward to that. 

It was quiet at the market yesterday since it's festival season.  The Garlic Festival and the Appomattox Railroad Festival are both going on this weekend.  Next weekend is the Amherst Apple Festival.  So, if you don't like crowds, this is a good time to visit the market.

Overheard at the Market
All of them are very different but still the same.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday at the Market, October 2, 2010

Have you ever enjoyed talking with someone so much that you find yourself smiling long after the conversation has ended?  That happened to me today.  There is a lady at the Lynchburg Community Market who is a pleasure to be around.  She's always smiling, upbeat and full of enthusiasm.  I honestly cannot recall what our conversation was about today, but a few minutes after she'd walked away, I realized that I was still smiling.  Isn't it wonderful how some people just infect others with joy?  On your next visit to the market, go see the tinsmith in the Heritage Crafters Gallery.  While you are admiring his amazing handiwork, say hi to his wife, Pat.  I'm willing to bet that you will walk away with a smile on your face.

Overheard at the Market
"You have drool all down the front of your shirt!"