Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's a wrap

Who knew that sitting around all day could be so exhausting?  We just got home from making our movie debut and it was very interesting, but tiring.

It took place in a church.  (No Mom, not Catholic.)  We had to sing a hymn about 15 times - all four stanzas and the chorus.  They kept telling us that we did great but we had to keep doing it for different camera angles.  

You'll be pleased to know that I resisted the urge to put my business card in all the hymnals.

There was a reception scene and we got to eat real food and make fake conversation - silently.  It was interesting to watch them put the actors through their paces and react to what was being said.

All in all, it was great fun.  I met some very nice people and the process was quite interesting.  If you ever get the chance to be in a movie, go for it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

All right Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up.

Tomorrow, I make my motion picture debut. Seriously.

A guy Hubby used to work with is making an independent film, right here in Central Virginia.  He asked if we'd like to be extras in a church scene and, of course, we jumped at the chance.  Even our youngest son (16) is going to be in the movie.

My biggest concern is what jewelry I should wear.  I may get zero screen time but would love the bragging rights that would come from saying my jewelry appeared in a movie.  Hmmm.  Wonder if any jewelry is needed for the stars of the movie.  If I get the chance, you bet I'm going to find out!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reinventing the wheel

Well, maybe not reinventing the wheel exactly but the blog.  At least a little bit.  Notice the snazzy new title/logo and color?  I'm trying to tie it in more to my web site.  In that vein, I'll also be using this blog as a way to communicate news about Sweet Pea Creationz.

I'll still write about television and pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy, of course.  But I'll throw in a bit more about the jewelry, the web site, etc.  As a matter of fact, why don't you hop on over to right now and see what's new?  I've added a couple of new pieces and will be adding more over the next few days.  I've changed the button that links to this blog to read News and Blog and may do a little more tweaking as time and inspiration permit.

Let me know in the comments section how you like the new look, please.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Anything you'd like to see different either here or on the web site?  If I can, I'll try to accommodate the most popular requests.

SCHOOL'S OUT!  Happy Summer!