Monday, March 22, 2010

Christian Slater to star in a new pilot for Fox.

Christian Slater will play the lead in another failed show pilot. 

Actually, this one sounds a little more in his ballpark than My Own Worst Enemy and The Forgotten (which I'd actually forgotten about until I read the story here).  It will be a comedy about computer hackers.  No word on whether it will be 30 minutes or 60 and it hasn't been picked up yet - it's just a pilot so far.

I like Christian Slater and am glad that the older he's gotten the less he sounds like Jack Nicholson.  I found that kind of creepy but that may be because I find Jack Nicholson a bit creepy.

So, thoughts or comments on this possible new show?  Should computer hackers be glamorized by making a TV show about them?  (Just trying for something a bit controversial to get the comments started, ya know.)  Do you like Christian Slater?  Do you like him sounding like Jack Nicholson?  Come on, people, talk it up!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:
St. Patrick's Day Sale - Save 17%
Today and tomorrow only, March 17 and 18, enter patrick at checkout and get 17% off your total.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I've been banished!

My youngest child, now 16 years old as of Tuesday, is having 3 friends over for the weekend.  They've taken over the family room and the TV with the DVR.  They even purloined the portable TV from the living room so they can play side by side multiplayer video games. 

I'm having DVR withdrawal.  I still have shows to watch plus the ones that will be recording tonight.  No Project Runway tonight.  No Burn Notice.  No Medium.  Not even Ghost Whisperer and I think this is the 100th episode where someone important is supposed to die.  (Is it really evil of me to hope that it's the kid?  How did they find the worst child actor in the world to play Melinda's son?  Jennifer Love Hewitt must have owed his parents a really huge favor or something.)

So, for now, I have nothing to write about except to say HOORAY!  Haeyley (or however she spells it) is gone from American Idol.  She had such a shrill voice and she got her name from Kelly Rippa's All My Children character.  One of those would be annoying.  Both together was killing me.

Have a great weekend and I should have lots to talk/complain/cheer about once I finally get my DVR back.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Watercooler

I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to watch everything I'd recorded - American Idol, Lost, The Good Wife, and Parenthood.  I'm not sure any of them were worth losing much needed beauty sleep over.

American Idol - The boys were better than last week.  But that shouldn't have been hard to do since last week was the worst week in AI history.  My favorite of the night was Michael the Strong Man who can bench press 4 or 5 Ryan Seacrests depending on whether or not he's wearing a suit.  Pretty much everyone else was forgettable.  That's a good thing.  At least they weren't so terrible they stood out in my mind.  Well, Casey stands out.  His guitar playing was great.  His singing was not.

Lost - I was really into it, wondering what exactly was going to happen to those who stayed in the temple as well as those who didn't.  Then the DVR crapped out and didn't record the last 10 minutes or so.  I did finally watch it online this morning but it kind of lost something 12 hours after seeing the rest of it.  Still, I'm hooked and will be until the end.

The Good Wife - So, Peter is home.  In an apartment that's 1/5 the size of their previous house and still bigger than most homes.  Does anyone really care about him or his political aspirations?  Not me.  I watch it for Christine Baranski and Julianna Margulies.  I've loved Ms Baranski since Cybill.  I liked Julianna Margulies in ER, really liked her in Canterbury's Law and love her in The Good Wife.  She has an understated acting style that's refreshing and feels real.  She moves one little muscle in her face and it says so much.  By the way, I prefer this ankle bracelet over the one Peter had to wear. 

Parenthood - Disclaimer:  I have never seen the movie or the previous television show by the same name.  I watched only because of Lauren Graham.  So far, Lauren Graham is the only thing I really like about the show.  There are so many characters that I don't know a single one by their names.  Not enough time was given to any of them to care about any of them yet.  Already, though, I'm truly annoyed by the commitment-phobic brother (I think his name might be Cody).  I'll watch a few more weeks to see if it grows on me.  I really want to like this show.

Tonight's DVR:
American Idol (hoping that Crystal Bowersox has recovered!), Gary Unmarried, CSI: NY, and Psych.

So, here's where you click on the Comment button and tell us what you watched, what you thought of it, and what you'll be watching tonight.  Ready?  Set?  Go!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My DVR runneth over

Tonight is looking to be a busy night for my poor little DVR.  Scheduled to record are:
8:00 - 10:00  American Idol 
9:00 - 10:00  Lost
10:00 -11:00  The Good Wife and Parenthood

I had to skip the recording of NCIS, but I'll catch it in reruns.  I also had to bump The Biggest Loser to later in the week on FNL.  I can't wait until AI goes back to 1 hour shows and I certainly hope tonight's show is better than last week.  Did you hear that the guys are singing tonight instead of the girls?  Crystal Bowersox has a "medical issue" that prevents her from singing tonight.  Out of the 20 contestants left, there are only about 4 I care about and she's one of them.  I'm hoping that they all improve once they become more comfortable on the stage and get over some of the initial nerves.  Yup, I'm an AI optimist.

I've been really looking forward to Parenthood.  I'll finally have Lauren Graham back on my TV screen.  I will gladly admit that she's the only reason I'm giving this show a chance.  The commercials have been less than interesting but maybe they are saving the best stuff for the show itself. 

I'm not sure how I feel about Hubby coming home to live with Alicia on The Good Wife.  I still don't really understand why she hasn't kicked him to the curb, so to speak.  I haven't seen a lot of love from her.  He actually does still seem smitten with her, despite his philandering.  But, in her shoes, I don't know if I'd ever trust him again.  It should be interesting to watch it play out.

That leaves Lost. Ah, Lost.  I'm just as confused as I ever was and you know what?  That's just fine with me.  While everyone else is wondering who's the mama of Jack's son in the flash sideways or how the lighthouse could be there but nobody ever saw it, I'm content to just let it play out and take me along for the ride.  Oh sure, I wonder a bit about that stuff but not to the point of obsession.  That would take all the fun out of it.  I obsess about enough things in my real life.  I refuse to do it about a TV show.

So, what's on your DVR for tonight?

Monday, March 1, 2010

It really is Monday

Mondays are the days when all my best laid plans fall through.  It's the day that is supposed to start off my week with a bang and set the tone for the rest of the week.   That's what it's supposed to do.  Reality is a whole 'nother story.

I had planned to start each day this week with at least 2 hours of working on the blog, updating the web site and "social networking."  Then I'd do my 8 hours of my day job and work on creating beautiful, funky and awe-inspiring jewelry in the evenings.  That was my new plan.  Life is what happens while we're making other plans.

I woke up early today, against my wishes.  I did head for the computer but my brain wasn't really awake even though my body was.  I figured while waiting for the brain to catch up to the body, I'd spend a little time catching up on e-mail, Facebook and Twitter that I'd all but ignored over the way too short weekend.  Then the phone rang.  It was work and I had to take care of something right away.  (There are a ton of pluses to working from home but the minus is that you are always in the office.)  It didn't take long but managed to sidetrack me from my plan.  I did finally catch up on the e-mail, etc. but now it's time to actually start the day job.  So, the blog is short today and nothing about TV, not that I had all that much to say anyway, but still . . .

Anyway, hopefully I can stay focused on the day job so that it doesn't run over into the creative time and I'll try to start all over tomorrow.  Tuesday will be the new Monday, the day that kicks my week into gear.

If only I wasn't so easily distracted.