Yesterday was my birthday. Thursday is New Year's Day. While it may be a new year for the calendar, isn't an individual's birthday really the beginning of their own personal new year?
So, in that spirit, I've already made and started on my resolutions. (Son #6 calls them revolutions.) I'm going to continue to take better care of my health (started a diet last month and went to the doc's today for a checkup). I'm going to increase my jewelry inventory so I will have enough on hand for both in person and internet sales. I'm going to work on my internet presence, updating my web site and etsy shop at least weekly. That means I'm going to take more pictures of the jewelry too, of course.
I guess it's convenient that my personal new year comes so close to the calendar new year. But what about you? Will you be making any resolutions this week or will you wait until your personal new year/birthday? Or will you just skip it completely and let things happen as they happen?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
This is just a quick note to wish everyone a merry Christmas.
Life has tossed some challenges my way lately but I'm still so very thankful that I'm here to enjoy the holiday and my loved ones are safe and healthy, even if we can't all be together right now. God has been good to the Burns family over the past 30 years and I have complete faith that things will work out the way they should.
I hope you and yours are having a healthy and happy Christmas and that 2009 will be an even better year for all of us.
Love you all!
Life has tossed some challenges my way lately but I'm still so very thankful that I'm here to enjoy the holiday and my loved ones are safe and healthy, even if we can't all be together right now. God has been good to the Burns family over the past 30 years and I have complete faith that things will work out the way they should.
I hope you and yours are having a healthy and happy Christmas and that 2009 will be an even better year for all of us.
Love you all!
Sunday, December 14, 2008

He tried to figure out how to get down for about 5 minutes. Son finally helped him down, but not before snapping this picture with his camera phone.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Post-Thanksgiving Thoughts
What were you thankful for this year?
I'm thankful that 4 out of 6 of my boys were able to be with us for the holiday. I'm especially thankful that #5 son was able to be here before he ships out to Korea and that the sons who couldn't be with us were with friends on Thanksgiving.
I'm also thankful to a stranger. I met this fellow 2 days after Thanksgiving while selling my jewelry at the Heritage Crafters Gallery in the Lynchburg Community Market. It turns out that he's in the army and just returned from Korea in September. He reassured me that my son will be safe there and gave me some good information to pass on to my son, including his e-mail address. He gave me some Korean money for Pat, enough to buy a soda when he gets there. He was a very nice young man and his wife and 2 children are gorgeous.
I'm also thankful that my wonderful daughter-in-law was able to visit us. She's recovering from
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, also known as GBS, and is still in a wheelchair most of the time. However, she is able to stand for brief periods. The last time I saw her, she was in a hospital bed and very weak, so it was wonderful to see her back to her vibrant and funny self. I've designed a necklace in her honor and will post a picture soon.
I hope each of you had a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving. So? Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
I'm thankful that 4 out of 6 of my boys were able to be with us for the holiday. I'm especially thankful that #5 son was able to be here before he ships out to Korea and that the sons who couldn't be with us were with friends on Thanksgiving.
I'm also thankful to a stranger. I met this fellow 2 days after Thanksgiving while selling my jewelry at the Heritage Crafters Gallery in the Lynchburg Community Market. It turns out that he's in the army and just returned from Korea in September. He reassured me that my son will be safe there and gave me some good information to pass on to my son, including his e-mail address. He gave me some Korean money for Pat, enough to buy a soda when he gets there. He was a very nice young man and his wife and 2 children are gorgeous.
I'm also thankful that my wonderful daughter-in-law was able to visit us. She's recovering from
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, also known as GBS, and is still in a wheelchair most of the time. However, she is able to stand for brief periods. The last time I saw her, she was in a hospital bed and very weak, so it was wonderful to see her back to her vibrant and funny self. I've designed a necklace in her honor and will post a picture soon.
I hope each of you had a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving. So? Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
One more week!
My soldier boy comes home in 1 week for a short visit before he's deployed. He's been in Arizona since the end of June training for his job in military intelligence. I'm really looking forward to his visit and trying very hard not to think about how long it will be before we'll see him again.
Mom just left. She was here on her way to her winter home in Florida. Unfortunately, she's on a timetable and was here for less than 24 hours, but it was nice to have her here no matter how short the visit. It's too bad that she couldn't have come next week when Pat will be here.
I have a major show coming up this weekend, a 3-day event, and had planned on spending every waking, non-working moment making new pieces. Unfortunately, life is what happens while you are making other plans. I haven't touch wire or pliers since Saturday. I'm hoping to get some silver rings cut this afternoon and will weave, weave, weave tonight, tomorrow and Friday. I'll try to post some pictures of finished products.
Have a great Wednesday!
Mom just left. She was here on her way to her winter home in Florida. Unfortunately, she's on a timetable and was here for less than 24 hours, but it was nice to have her here no matter how short the visit. It's too bad that she couldn't have come next week when Pat will be here.
I have a major show coming up this weekend, a 3-day event, and had planned on spending every waking, non-working moment making new pieces. Unfortunately, life is what happens while you are making other plans. I haven't touch wire or pliers since Saturday. I'm hoping to get some silver rings cut this afternoon and will weave, weave, weave tonight, tomorrow and Friday. I'll try to post some pictures of finished products.
Have a great Wednesday!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fee Fi Fo FLU!
Hubby came home early today with a raging fever, cough, headache and just generally feeling ick. We finally got the cat and her new kittens into the closet instead of on my side of the bed but it looks like I'll still be sleeping on the couch for the next few nights. I've got too much coming up to get sick!
Of course, I feel sorry for Hubby. But, he gets paid sick days - I don't. He doesn't have shows coming up for the next 2 weeks - I do. I can get sick after Thanksgiving but not a day sooner!
Other than staying away from him, does anyone have any advice for staying flu free during this outbreak in my home?
Of course, I feel sorry for Hubby. But, he gets paid sick days - I don't. He doesn't have shows coming up for the next 2 weeks - I do. I can get sick after Thanksgiving but not a day sooner!
Other than staying away from him, does anyone have any advice for staying flu free during this outbreak in my home?
Monday, November 3, 2008
How many days until Christmas?
Halloween is barely over and many stores have had Christmas items out for a few weeks already. For crafters, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Unless we have stock left from last year or have been smart enough to work on holiday-themed items throughout the year, right now is crunch time. We only have a couple more weeks until the masses are ready to start buying holiday items and it's good to see craft stores having sales on the supplies we need.
As a consumer, how do you feel about seeing Santa, snowmen, wreaths and trees everywhere you go before the first flake has hit the ground (in most areas)? Is it too much too soon or is never too early to celebrate the holidays? I know many will disagree with me but I can't wait until the local radio station starts playing Christmas music 24/7. I love Christmas music and could listen to it all year. How about you?
As a consumer, how do you feel about seeing Santa, snowmen, wreaths and trees everywhere you go before the first flake has hit the ground (in most areas)? Is it too much too soon or is never too early to celebrate the holidays? I know many will disagree with me but I can't wait until the local radio station starts playing Christmas music 24/7. I love Christmas music and could listen to it all year. How about you?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So? Am I a photographer yet?

I've been playing with our new digital camera and my new light box trying to figure it all out so I can take good pictures of my jewelry.
So? What do you think? This is a pink and blue stretchy chain maille bracelet. I've had a difficult time getting the pink to show correctly. Still not quite sure I've got it right, but if you click on the picture, it will open to a larger size that shows the colors better.
Comments are greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Success! And a gift for you

I'd like to thank the tech support staff at Coffee Cup Software for their assistance in solving my web page problems. It's still not perfect but at least I can update it now.
Because I'm so pleased to have this problem resolved, I'm offering 10% off on all purchases if you let me know you've read my blog. If you see me at a show or at the Community Market, let me know you read about the discount in my blog. If you aren't local, you don't lose out on the discount. Since my shopping cart still won't process orders properly, just send me an e-mail with your order and let me know that you read about the discount here in the blog and I'll take 10% off your total. We'll work out payment arrangements when I respond to your e-mail.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sometimes I just forget to think
I have been fighting for months to get my shopping cart on my web site to work properly. No success so far.
I have been fighting for days to get my updates to show up on my web site. No success so far.
It finally dawned on me that, while I can't put a shopping cart on my blog, I can put the updates here. The only real change to my home page was my show schedule for the rest of this year. So, for anyone who might be local and interested, here's where I'll be:
November 1 & 2 Bedford Women's Club, Bedford Elementary, Bedford, VA
November 8 Fray Educational Center Winter Festival, Rustburg, VA
November 15 Smith Mountain Lake Fall Craft Show at Mariner's Landing
November 21, 22, 23 Festival Of Trees at Amazement Square, Lynchburg
As always, I have my spot at the Heritage Crafters Gallery at the Lynchburg Community Market. I try to be there personally on Wednesdays and Fridays between 10 and 2 and will be there on Saturdays in December. Remember, I don't have to be there for you to make a purchase or take a closer look at something you like. Just go to the cashier's office in the back (by the Christmas tree) and ask for someone to open the case for you.
I look forward to seeing some of you at one of the shows or the Market. If you go, let me know you read my blog and you'll get 10% of the total of your purchase. (Unfortunately, this offer is not available at the Community Market unless I'm there personally to assist you.)
I have been fighting for days to get my updates to show up on my web site. No success so far.
It finally dawned on me that, while I can't put a shopping cart on my blog, I can put the updates here. The only real change to my home page was my show schedule for the rest of this year. So, for anyone who might be local and interested, here's where I'll be:
November 1 & 2 Bedford Women's Club, Bedford Elementary, Bedford, VA
November 8 Fray Educational Center Winter Festival, Rustburg, VA
November 15 Smith Mountain Lake Fall Craft Show at Mariner's Landing
November 21, 22, 23 Festival Of Trees at Amazement Square, Lynchburg
As always, I have my spot at the Heritage Crafters Gallery at the Lynchburg Community Market. I try to be there personally on Wednesdays and Fridays between 10 and 2 and will be there on Saturdays in December. Remember, I don't have to be there for you to make a purchase or take a closer look at something you like. Just go to the cashier's office in the back (by the Christmas tree) and ask for someone to open the case for you.
I look forward to seeing some of you at one of the shows or the Market. If you go, let me know you read my blog and you'll get 10% of the total of your purchase. (Unfortunately, this offer is not available at the Community Market unless I'm there personally to assist you.)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Home Away From Home

I'm back in my hometown visiting my mom for a few weeks. I haven't been "home" in about a year so figured I'd make the most of this visit. It's not really a vacation because I brought my computer and am working while I'm here. I'm also making chain maille jewelry like a madwoman. Mom's going to have an open house for me on Sunday and I think she invited everyone she knows. She also makes me show my jewelry to everyone, even the waitress at Dennys! Maybe I should hire her as a salesperson or PR or something. She hasn't seen all my pieces yet so it will be interesting to see her reaction when I set out my display on Sunday.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
He's in the Army now!

Ain't he handsome?
This blog post has nothing to do with jewelry, chain maille or otherwise. It's been almost a month since I attended the boot camp graduation of my #5 son and I still get choked up when I think about it or see the over 100 pictures Hubby took. On Thursday, there was a Family Day event. After some speeches and a presentation, they set off a variety of colored smoke bombs at the edge of a woods. Through the smoke the graduates marched, to very moving patriotic music. No words can do justice to the sight. Whether or not one had a loved one in that group of soldiers, I dare anyone to not get at least a little misty eyed or feel a lump in their throat when viewing something like that. It was impressive, to say the least. I don't cry easily, but the closer they got, the more freely my tears fell. By the time they let us onto the field to meet up with our kin, I could barely see through the tears. Hubby got to him first but I will never forget seeing him for the first time, standing there in his uniform. I swear that he's never stood so tall and straight in his life.
We got to spend that whole day and the next with him. He had 2 buddies whose families were unable to attend the graduation, so they became our sons for those 2 days as well. What's 2 more when you already have 6? We loved every minute of those 2 days and the tears threatened again when we had to say goodbye. Our son is now in training in Arizona. He's going into military intelligence. It will be November or December before we see him again and then he will most likely be deployed overseas. I try very hard not to think about that too much.
Please keep all of our soldiers in your thoughts and prayers. Whether or not you agree with what is going on in the world, these men and women are risking their lives for our country and I'm proud and grateful for all of them.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
How does your garden grow?

Even in the heat wave we've had the past week, some of my flowers are blooming. Despite the lack of rain, I have some pretty pink roses from a bush I thought was dead. You would understand my surprise if you knew my history with gardens. I very definitely do not have a green thumb. I've often joked that the only thing I'm good at growing is children.
However, I've recently discovered that I can also "grow" chain maille flowers. I absolutely love this bracelet that I call Flower Garden. Only in chain maille would I be able to plant flowers that would grow in such nice neat rows.
How about you? Have you had success with flowers? Do you have any advice for someone who can't tell the difference between a weed and an azalea?
(If you'd like to see more views of the Flower Garden bracelet, please visit my Etsy shop).
Sunday, June 8, 2008
To Toggle or Not to Toggle

When I first tried using toggles, I hated them! I didn't trust that they would hold a bracelet securely and I had trouble putting the bar through the hoop. I've since learned a lot about toggles and they are now one of my favorite clasps.
There are a couple of ways to make sure the toggle will keep your bracelet securely on your wrist. First, the bar should be twice as long as the inside of the hoop. Second, the bracelet should fit well. If it is too big, the toggle won't be secure.
Toggles can be the easiest clasp to use if you don't have anyone to help you put on your jewelry. Just make sure that any beads or chain close to the bar will fit through the hoop along with the bar. With a long bar, you won't be able to fit it through the hoop if you can't fit a little of the bracelet through with it. I often add a couple of small jump rings between the bar and the rest of the bracelet so the toggle will work properly.
Don't shy away from a toggle clasp. Make sure the bracelet is well constructed and fits properly and you shouldn't have any problem. A good toggle can even be a great design element. I've sometimes used a really cool one as a focal point in a necklace. Clasps don't always have to be hidden.
chain mail,
chain maille,
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I'm a very satisfied customer!
Lately I've been hearing a lot about companies with poor customer service, poor quality merchandise, etc. I thought you all might be interested in a company with great products and fantastic customer service.
Wired Up Beads has the most comfortable pliers I've ever used. They're called Wubbers. The handles are lightly padded but not so much that they are bulky and awkward. The jaws have already been filed perfectly so they don't mar the wire. I hate buying pliers and then having to file the jaws. WUB has already done that for you! Prices are great too.
The only affiliation I have with the company is as a VERY satisfied customer. In addition to the great pliers, the customer service is excellent. Before purchasing, I had some questions. Patti answered all my questions promptly (via e-mail) and I had my new Baby Wubbers in about 3 days (from Texas to Virginia). There was a mix-up with the invoicing and Patti resolved it in my favor, even though the error was on her part. To top it all off, she liked my jewelry and bought a bracelet from me!
In addition to pliers, WUB sells other tools, beads, wire, jump rings, and findings. I haven't tried any of these items yet, but the prices seem reasonable. Check them out at .
Wired Up Beads has the most comfortable pliers I've ever used. They're called Wubbers. The handles are lightly padded but not so much that they are bulky and awkward. The jaws have already been filed perfectly so they don't mar the wire. I hate buying pliers and then having to file the jaws. WUB has already done that for you! Prices are great too.
The only affiliation I have with the company is as a VERY satisfied customer. In addition to the great pliers, the customer service is excellent. Before purchasing, I had some questions. Patti answered all my questions promptly (via e-mail) and I had my new Baby Wubbers in about 3 days (from Texas to Virginia). There was a mix-up with the invoicing and Patti resolved it in my favor, even though the error was on her part. To top it all off, she liked my jewelry and bought a bracelet from me!
In addition to pliers, WUB sells other tools, beads, wire, jump rings, and findings. I haven't tried any of these items yet, but the prices seem reasonable. Check them out at .
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day to everyone!
I spent a fun few hours at the Earth Day celebration at Lynchburg College. What passion and energy those kids have! It was great fun meeting some of them and watching others dance and just enjoy being young. It drizzled all day and we had to move indoors. I was a little concerned that the turnout might not be good but I was very pleased. It was their first year doing this and I hope they do it again next year - and invite me back.
During a lull, I made a pair of earrings that I think are pretty cool. They actually started out to be a bracelet but didn't work out. Don't you love happy accidents? Anyway, if I can get a decent picture of them, I'll add it here tomorrow. Cross your fingers!
I spent a fun few hours at the Earth Day celebration at Lynchburg College. What passion and energy those kids have! It was great fun meeting some of them and watching others dance and just enjoy being young. It drizzled all day and we had to move indoors. I was a little concerned that the turnout might not be good but I was very pleased. It was their first year doing this and I hope they do it again next year - and invite me back.
During a lull, I made a pair of earrings that I think are pretty cool. They actually started out to be a bracelet but didn't work out. Don't you love happy accidents? Anyway, if I can get a decent picture of them, I'll add it here tomorrow. Cross your fingers!
chain maille,
earth day,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Did you know . . .?
I just recently read that putting a silica packet in with your silver jewelry can help to keep it from tarnishing so quickly. You know these packets. They come in everything! They're those little packets that say, "Don't eat." The theory is that if you place some in your jewelry box (or better yet in the little plastic zip top jewelry bags you should store your jewelry in), it will help keep moisture out and prevent tarnish. I haven't tried it myself but it can't hurt and would be a good way to reuse/recycle those little packets.
Speaking of reusing and recycling, I'll be at the Lynchburg College Earth Day celebration on Tuesday, April 22. If you're in the area, stop by and say hi! I've been working on some more button and found object jewelry in keeping with the "green" theme. As a matter of fact, some of the buttons I'm using are green. Hmmm. Is that pushing it a bit?
Speaking of reusing and recycling, I'll be at the Lynchburg College Earth Day celebration on Tuesday, April 22. If you're in the area, stop by and say hi! I've been working on some more button and found object jewelry in keeping with the "green" theme. As a matter of fact, some of the buttons I'm using are green. Hmmm. Is that pushing it a bit?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Do you follow fashion trends?
Do you know what the spring trends are? Are you following them? Do you even feel that you have a choice?
For example, one trend this season is circles. That's fine with me because chain maille is all about circles. But we're also seeing circles in patterns on clothing. I actually bought a top with lots of circles in the pattern before I even knew it was in fashion. I just bought it because I liked it.
Colors are another trendy part of fashion. What colors are in depends on what source you look at, but some of the fashionable colors this season are supposed to be pinks and greens, especially the lighter greens. I've already started seeing women in the grocery store wearing a pink top over a green tank.
For a peek at spring/summer color trends for 2008, take a look at Fire Mountain Gems and Pantone.
Were you aware of these trends? Do you know of any others you'd like to share with us? Do you follow the trends consciously or do you "accidentally" follow the trends because that's what you find in the stores? Are colors and styles forced upon us, even is we don't buy high fashion designer clothing or accessories?
Please share your thoughts and opinions (just click on Comment). I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering.
For example, one trend this season is circles. That's fine with me because chain maille is all about circles. But we're also seeing circles in patterns on clothing. I actually bought a top with lots of circles in the pattern before I even knew it was in fashion. I just bought it because I liked it.
Colors are another trendy part of fashion. What colors are in depends on what source you look at, but some of the fashionable colors this season are supposed to be pinks and greens, especially the lighter greens. I've already started seeing women in the grocery store wearing a pink top over a green tank.
For a peek at spring/summer color trends for 2008, take a look at Fire Mountain Gems and Pantone.
Were you aware of these trends? Do you know of any others you'd like to share with us? Do you follow the trends consciously or do you "accidentally" follow the trends because that's what you find in the stores? Are colors and styles forced upon us, even is we don't buy high fashion designer clothing or accessories?
Please share your thoughts and opinions (just click on Comment). I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Negligent in my duties
Has it really been over a month since I last updated this blog?! In my defense, there's been a lot going on.
The whole family, except me, came down with the flu. As they got better, we had a visitor from Michigan (Hi Monica!) who stayed with us for a week. The day she left, I got sick but at least it waited until the day after a jewelry party that I'd been looking forward to doing. I met some wonderful ladies at that party. Thank you, Ann, for hosting it. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.
Son #5, who turns 21 on next Monday, has decided to enlist in the Army. What a mixture of feelings that brings up! I'm proud of him for taking control of his life and making the decision but I'm scared to death of what might happen. He takes his physical in 2 days and, if all goes well, heads off to boot camp on April 21.
Our lovely daughter-in-law (wife of son #1) has been quite ill for over a month. She had surgery at the end of January and her recovery has been troublesome. She's been hospitalized twice since the surgery but it looks like she's finally on the road to recovery.
As for the jewelry business, I'm gearing up for the "show" season and trying to build up stock. This is a difficult process because I constantly have ideas for new items but also need to have plenty of the "standards" on hand. Look for some exciting news coming up in a newsletter soon. (If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please send e-mail to with NEWSLETTER in the subject line and I'll add you to the list.)
In the meantime - IT'S SPRING! I love spring in Virginia.
The whole family, except me, came down with the flu. As they got better, we had a visitor from Michigan (Hi Monica!) who stayed with us for a week. The day she left, I got sick but at least it waited until the day after a jewelry party that I'd been looking forward to doing. I met some wonderful ladies at that party. Thank you, Ann, for hosting it. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.
Son #5, who turns 21 on next Monday, has decided to enlist in the Army. What a mixture of feelings that brings up! I'm proud of him for taking control of his life and making the decision but I'm scared to death of what might happen. He takes his physical in 2 days and, if all goes well, heads off to boot camp on April 21.
Our lovely daughter-in-law (wife of son #1) has been quite ill for over a month. She had surgery at the end of January and her recovery has been troublesome. She's been hospitalized twice since the surgery but it looks like she's finally on the road to recovery.
As for the jewelry business, I'm gearing up for the "show" season and trying to build up stock. This is a difficult process because I constantly have ideas for new items but also need to have plenty of the "standards" on hand. Look for some exciting news coming up in a newsletter soon. (If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please send e-mail to with NEWSLETTER in the subject line and I'll add you to the list.)
In the meantime - IT'S SPRING! I love spring in Virginia.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Insulation isn't always a good thing.
I have a tendency to withdraw from the world, to insulate myself. I'm very happy staying home and spending time with my family. My friends have usually been neighbors or parents of my son's friends and they are really more acquaintances than real friends. Even those I consider real friends are usually people I don't see or speak to frequently. I keep in touch mostly via computer. I don't reach out or make the first move, either in making new friends or maintaining old friendships.
That's been changing a bit in the past year.
A wonderful woman decided she wanted to be friends with me. She reached out to me. She called me, e-mailed me, included me in plans, invited me and my family out. Through her, I've met other wonderful men and women as well. Her friendship has helped me to feel that I'm worth being a friend and to actually seek out the company of others beside my family. I've found a church that I love and have joined the Bible study group. I've gone back to Weight Watchers and actually participate. I've joined the Heritage Crafters Gallery at the Lynchburg Community Market where I've met some really interesting and talented men and women. Because of her, I've stepped outside of my comfort zone.
Why am I singing her praises today? I just came home from the funeral of the husband of another amazing woman that my friend had introduced me to. It was kind of an awakening for me. I realized that if my husband dies before me, I don't want to be alone with nobody except family to care about me or comfort me or include me. I want to have friends to socialize with months after my husband, my best friend, is gone. I'm not being morbid. He's a few years older than me and statistics say that he will probably go first. I've been very happy with his company and his friendship for almost 30 years, but maybe that isn't enough anymore, as we get older. It's even more important to establish a support group of friends, not just acquaintances, now that we are living 600 miles away from where we spent most of our lives.
It's funny. A mutual love of making jewelry is how I met my friend. It's what kept us connected in the beginning of our friendship. Now, I think, we've developed a true friendship and other friendships have grown from that initial meeting, both directly and indirectly. So, while insulation may be a good thing for your home, maybe it's not the best way to live your life. Are you insulated from others? Do you have a strong support system outside of family? If tragedy were to strike would you have people to turn to? Not just today or next week, but 6 months from now? If the answer is no, maybe you should consider joining me on my quest to lessen the insulation around me, step out of my comfort zone, and reach out to others.
What will you do this week to take the first step towards making new friends?
That's been changing a bit in the past year.
A wonderful woman decided she wanted to be friends with me. She reached out to me. She called me, e-mailed me, included me in plans, invited me and my family out. Through her, I've met other wonderful men and women as well. Her friendship has helped me to feel that I'm worth being a friend and to actually seek out the company of others beside my family. I've found a church that I love and have joined the Bible study group. I've gone back to Weight Watchers and actually participate. I've joined the Heritage Crafters Gallery at the Lynchburg Community Market where I've met some really interesting and talented men and women. Because of her, I've stepped outside of my comfort zone.
Why am I singing her praises today? I just came home from the funeral of the husband of another amazing woman that my friend had introduced me to. It was kind of an awakening for me. I realized that if my husband dies before me, I don't want to be alone with nobody except family to care about me or comfort me or include me. I want to have friends to socialize with months after my husband, my best friend, is gone. I'm not being morbid. He's a few years older than me and statistics say that he will probably go first. I've been very happy with his company and his friendship for almost 30 years, but maybe that isn't enough anymore, as we get older. It's even more important to establish a support group of friends, not just acquaintances, now that we are living 600 miles away from where we spent most of our lives.
It's funny. A mutual love of making jewelry is how I met my friend. It's what kept us connected in the beginning of our friendship. Now, I think, we've developed a true friendship and other friendships have grown from that initial meeting, both directly and indirectly. So, while insulation may be a good thing for your home, maybe it's not the best way to live your life. Are you insulated from others? Do you have a strong support system outside of family? If tragedy were to strike would you have people to turn to? Not just today or next week, but 6 months from now? If the answer is no, maybe you should consider joining me on my quest to lessen the insulation around me, step out of my comfort zone, and reach out to others.
What will you do this week to take the first step towards making new friends?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Rocks in My Head?
Actually, I have rocks on my mind. A few months ago, Hubby and I joined the Gem and Mineral Society of Lynchburg ( Neither one of us knows very much about rocks but we know pretties when we see them. We're enjoying learning from the wonderful and knowledgeable folks at the "rock club" and we're looking forward to going on our first field trip, probably in April.
So, why do I have rocks on my mind today?
Last night, Hubby and I met with some of the other club members at the home of one of the most interesting men we've ever known. He has a whole room dedicated to his rock displays. But the really fun part of his home is the basement. It houses a lending library which caught Hubby's eye immediately, being the book person he is. But the main attraction is the collection of tools. Microscopes, grinders, sanders, polishers, templates. You name it. If it has to do with rocks, it's probably there. Hubby and I each chose a rock and spent the next 2 hours happily sawing and grinding them into what will some day become cabochons. It was getting late and we weren't finished, so we'll go back again. I can't wait to incorporate them into a necklace some day. I'll make sure to have pictures for you when they are completed. Thank you, Dave, for a wonderful evening!
So, why do I have rocks on my mind today?
Last night, Hubby and I met with some of the other club members at the home of one of the most interesting men we've ever known. He has a whole room dedicated to his rock displays. But the really fun part of his home is the basement. It houses a lending library which caught Hubby's eye immediately, being the book person he is. But the main attraction is the collection of tools. Microscopes, grinders, sanders, polishers, templates. You name it. If it has to do with rocks, it's probably there. Hubby and I each chose a rock and spent the next 2 hours happily sawing and grinding them into what will some day become cabochons. It was getting late and we weren't finished, so we'll go back again. I can't wait to incorporate them into a necklace some day. I'll make sure to have pictures for you when they are completed. Thank you, Dave, for a wonderful evening!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snow Day!

It's snowing in Virginia. I think this is the most snow we've seen since we moved here three years ago. Schools are closed. Businesses are closing. Our bank closed at 11:00 a.m. due to the weather. I don't think we've gotten 6 inches of snow yet. What has everyone freaked out, though, is the sleet and freezing rain that has been predicted for this afternoon and evening. This is a perfect day to sit in front of a roaring fire and work on chain maille.
I call this necklace, based on the Japanese 12 in 2 weave, a flower necklace. My son thinks it looks like snowflakes. For today, we'll go with the snowflakes. (You can find it at
So, what do *you* do on a snow day?
chain maille,
Thursday, January 10, 2008
It's a new year.

A new year with new projects, challenges and promise.
My goal for the winter months was to make at least one new piece a day. Considering some necklaces can take up to 8 hours to complete, that was asking a lot. I find myself making a lot of simple bracelets and earrings while the ideas for the more challenging items sit rather impatiently in my brain. I did complete a necklace that I'd been thinking about for a while but it's a rather simple variation on the byzantine weave. It's byzantine sections connected by tiny wooden donut beads, 1/4 inch in diameter. I've also got a store on Etsy at in addition to my regular web shop at
So, I guess my jeweler's new year resolution should be to go ahead and indulge in my muse and stop worrying about the amount of time it takes to make something. So what if I have no inventory when "show" season rolls around again? What do you think? Should I create beautiful and unique, but time consuming, jewelry or stock up with the pretty but easier and faster pieces? Maybe I should alternate? To reward myself for making X number of bracelets, I get to indulge myself and make a more labor intensive but dazzling necklace. That sounds like a plan to me! Your comments would be welcome.
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