Thursday, March 27, 2008

Negligent in my duties

Has it really been over a month since I last updated this blog?! In my defense, there's been a lot going on.

The whole family, except me, came down with the flu. As they got better, we had a visitor from Michigan (Hi Monica!) who stayed with us for a week. The day she left, I got sick but at least it waited until the day after a jewelry party that I'd been looking forward to doing. I met some wonderful ladies at that party. Thank you, Ann, for hosting it. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.

Son #5, who turns 21 on next Monday, has decided to enlist in the Army. What a mixture of feelings that brings up! I'm proud of him for taking control of his life and making the decision but I'm scared to death of what might happen. He takes his physical in 2 days and, if all goes well, heads off to boot camp on April 21.

Our lovely daughter-in-law (wife of son #1) has been quite ill for over a month. She had surgery at the end of January and her recovery has been troublesome. She's been hospitalized twice since the surgery but it looks like she's finally on the road to recovery.

As for the jewelry business, I'm gearing up for the "show" season and trying to build up stock. This is a difficult process because I constantly have ideas for new items but also need to have plenty of the "standards" on hand. Look for some exciting news coming up in a newsletter soon. (If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please send e-mail to with NEWSLETTER in the subject line and I'll add you to the list.)

In the meantime - IT'S SPRING! I love spring in Virginia.

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