Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One more week!

My soldier boy comes home in 1 week for a short visit before he's deployed. He's been in Arizona since the end of June training for his job in military intelligence. I'm really looking forward to his visit and trying very hard not to think about how long it will be before we'll see him again.

Mom just left. She was here on her way to her winter home in Florida. Unfortunately, she's on a timetable and was here for less than 24 hours, but it was nice to have her here no matter how short the visit. It's too bad that she couldn't have come next week when Pat will be here.

I have a major show coming up this weekend, a 3-day event, and had planned on spending every waking, non-working moment making new pieces. Unfortunately, life is what happens while you are making other plans. I haven't touch wire or pliers since Saturday. I'm hoping to get some silver rings cut this afternoon and will weave, weave, weave tonight, tomorrow and Friday. I'll try to post some pictures of finished products.

Have a great Wednesday!

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