Monday, November 3, 2008

How many days until Christmas?

Halloween is barely over and many stores have had Christmas items out for a few weeks already. For crafters, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Unless we have stock left from last year or have been smart enough to work on holiday-themed items throughout the year, right now is crunch time. We only have a couple more weeks until the masses are ready to start buying holiday items and it's good to see craft stores having sales on the supplies we need.

As a consumer, how do you feel about seeing Santa, snowmen, wreaths and trees everywhere you go before the first flake has hit the ground (in most areas)? Is it too much too soon or is never too early to celebrate the holidays? I know many will disagree with me but I can't wait until the local radio station starts playing Christmas music 24/7. I love Christmas music and could listen to it all year. How about you?

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