Cat's name is Marvin. (Don't look at me. Son #4 named him.) He's perched atop a closet door. We're not quite sure how he got up there, but this is the same cat that lies on his back on the top of the entertainment center and tries to walk on the ceiling. You'd think that, after the first time he fell, he'd realize cats can only do that in cartoons.
He tried to figure out how to get down for about 5 minutes. Son finally helped him down, but not before snapping this picture with his camera phone.
Awww, how did the little darling get up there?lol I really like the way your blog is written personal, but not boring.
We have no idea how he got up there. There were some boxes in the closet, so maybe he got on top of them and then to the top of the door.
Thanks for the compliment on my blog. If I get around to downloading them, I have pics of 5 week old kittens that are adorable!
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