Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My DVR runneth over

Tonight is looking to be a busy night for my poor little DVR.  Scheduled to record are:
8:00 - 10:00  American Idol 
9:00 - 10:00  Lost
10:00 -11:00  The Good Wife and Parenthood

I had to skip the recording of NCIS, but I'll catch it in reruns.  I also had to bump The Biggest Loser to later in the week on FNL.  I can't wait until AI goes back to 1 hour shows and I certainly hope tonight's show is better than last week.  Did you hear that the guys are singing tonight instead of the girls?  Crystal Bowersox has a "medical issue" that prevents her from singing tonight.  Out of the 20 contestants left, there are only about 4 I care about and she's one of them.  I'm hoping that they all improve once they become more comfortable on the stage and get over some of the initial nerves.  Yup, I'm an AI optimist.

I've been really looking forward to Parenthood.  I'll finally have Lauren Graham back on my TV screen.  I will gladly admit that she's the only reason I'm giving this show a chance.  The commercials have been less than interesting but maybe they are saving the best stuff for the show itself. 

I'm not sure how I feel about Hubby coming home to live with Alicia on The Good Wife.  I still don't really understand why she hasn't kicked him to the curb, so to speak.  I haven't seen a lot of love from her.  He actually does still seem smitten with her, despite his philandering.  But, in her shoes, I don't know if I'd ever trust him again.  It should be interesting to watch it play out.

That leaves Lost. Ah, Lost.  I'm just as confused as I ever was and you know what?  That's just fine with me.  While everyone else is wondering who's the mama of Jack's son in the flash sideways or how the lighthouse could be there but nobody ever saw it, I'm content to just let it play out and take me along for the ride.  Oh sure, I wonder a bit about that stuff but not to the point of obsession.  That would take all the fun out of it.  I obsess about enough things in my real life.  I refuse to do it about a TV show.

So, what's on your DVR for tonight?


Judy said...

I have both Biggest Loser and American Idol scheduled to record. Will watch one of them but always record it too in case I get interrupted. :)

Cindy said...

But of course! I always record, even if I plan on watching live. You never know what might happen. I was a Girl Scout - Be Prepared!