Our boys got themselves checked into "Hotel California" simply by telling the truth about their lives, hunting, the apocalypse and hanging out with a trenchcoat-wearing angel. How and why is something better left to the zillions of blogs and websites that focus on episode recaps. I focus on my opinions and observations, not full recaps. If you haven't seen "Sam Interrupted" yet, go crank up your DVR or watch it online or read a recap and let's get started with the discussions.
Did anyone think that Nurse Ratched's eyes turned black when we first met her and she turned her back on Sam and Dean? I watched that several times and am pretty sure they were black and that she was going to be the baddie of the week. But then they went and threw some red herrings at us and I got all confused. Did you figure it out right away or did you have a few false guesses as well? I figured the male doctor was a little too obvious but was leaning towards Wendy, the poor girl who was forced to make out with both Sam and Dean. I really liked Dean's lady doc. She "got" him. Too bad she was a delusion.
The only real problems I had with this episode were 2 plot holes that you could have driven the Impala through. One: How did they end up in the morgue? Since when does any patient have free access to all areas of a hospital, not to mention psych patients? You'd think they would be on a locked ward, wouldn't you? Second: The escape was way too easy. It's like they just strolled out. And really, Sam, before you start emoting about your anger issues, get in the damn car and get the hell out of Dodge!
All in all, this was a good episode. The brothers were back together and working together. There was just the right touch of brother interaction, angst, humor and creepy. May I also add that Jensen Ackles does crazy really well?
Favorite lines:
I like him now. He's larger.
The whole speech about how crazy brains taste better. (Yeah, I'm sick like that.)

Okay, at "Pudding!" I laughed so hard my neighbor knocked on the wall... Oops. Seems 3 in the morning is not funny to everyone. I liked the episode, thought it was a classic "Supernatural" without the angels and Lucifer bits.
You need to convert your neighbor to Supernatural and then watch it together. As great as it is to watch it alone, it's much more fun to watch with others. As a matter of fact, it's the only show that I willing watch the same episode up to 3 times in one week.
I thought that cheery nurse was a baddy once they said it could be anyone. Her, the doc, and the other doc. The one it lead to, but they're always wrong in some way to start with. The second one was coocoo, and the third option was on spot. I win the bad guy roulette.
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