Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Market Manager

The Lynchburg Community Market has a new manager.  Welcome to Jennifer Kennedy.  I met her yesterday and she's very nice.  She told me that she wants to get together with each vendor, individually, and I'm looking forward to that. 

It was quiet at the market yesterday since it's festival season.  The Garlic Festival and the Appomattox Railroad Festival are both going on this weekend.  Next weekend is the Amherst Apple Festival.  So, if you don't like crowds, this is a good time to visit the market.

Overheard at the Market
All of them are very different but still the same.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday at the Market, October 2, 2010

Have you ever enjoyed talking with someone so much that you find yourself smiling long after the conversation has ended?  That happened to me today.  There is a lady at the Lynchburg Community Market who is a pleasure to be around.  She's always smiling, upbeat and full of enthusiasm.  I honestly cannot recall what our conversation was about today, but a few minutes after she'd walked away, I realized that I was still smiling.  Isn't it wonderful how some people just infect others with joy?  On your next visit to the market, go see the tinsmith in the Heritage Crafters Gallery.  While you are admiring his amazing handiwork, say hi to his wife, Pat.  I'm willing to bet that you will walk away with a smile on your face.

Overheard at the Market
"You have drool all down the front of your shirt!"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday at the Market

I don't get out much and when I do I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people.  I think that's one of the reasons I love the Heritage Crafters Gallery at the Lynchburg Community Market.

This past Saturday, I met a sweet older man and his adult daughter.  The gentleman and I found out that we're both originally from Upstate New York and we started chatting.  He told me a lovely story about how he met his wife.  He was in college in NY and was in a barbershop singing group.  They did a concert in Richmond, VA and he met his wife-to-be there.  He went to Richmond every weekend after that, by bus, until he graduated and they were married.  He was in the midst of telling me about his 2 sons and daughter when the daughter came back, took him by the arm and told me that he'd talk my ear off if she didn't pull him away.  I told her that I was enjoying our conversation.  I could tell she didn't believe me and they left.  She's probably heard his stories many times and no longer finds them interesting but I was loving it.  I really get a kick out of hearing how people met and his story was so sweet.  I hope he comes back to visit again.
Overheard at the Market
 "I just take it one wedding at a time."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

You snooze, you lose

Just a quick note to let you know that sales have been picking up lately.  If there's a necklace, bracelet or pair of earrings that you've had your eye on, you might want to grab it before someone else does.  Remember that many of my chain maille items are one of a kind, especially if it has beads or gemstones.

Have a fun and safe Independence Day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's a wrap

Who knew that sitting around all day could be so exhausting?  We just got home from making our movie debut and it was very interesting, but tiring.

It took place in a church.  (No Mom, not Catholic.)  We had to sing a hymn about 15 times - all four stanzas and the chorus.  They kept telling us that we did great but we had to keep doing it for different camera angles.  

You'll be pleased to know that I resisted the urge to put my business card in all the hymnals.

There was a reception scene and we got to eat real food and make fake conversation - silently.  It was interesting to watch them put the actors through their paces and react to what was being said.

All in all, it was great fun.  I met some very nice people and the process was quite interesting.  If you ever get the chance to be in a movie, go for it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

All right Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up.

Tomorrow, I make my motion picture debut. Seriously.

A guy Hubby used to work with is making an independent film, right here in Central Virginia.  He asked if we'd like to be extras in a church scene and, of course, we jumped at the chance.  Even our youngest son (16) is going to be in the movie.

My biggest concern is what jewelry I should wear.  I may get zero screen time but would love the bragging rights that would come from saying my jewelry appeared in a movie.  Hmmm.  Wonder if any jewelry is needed for the stars of the movie.  If I get the chance, you bet I'm going to find out!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reinventing the wheel

Well, maybe not reinventing the wheel exactly but the blog.  At least a little bit.  Notice the snazzy new title/logo and color?  I'm trying to tie it in more to my web site.  In that vein, I'll also be using this blog as a way to communicate news about Sweet Pea Creationz.

I'll still write about television and pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy, of course.  But I'll throw in a bit more about the jewelry, the web site, etc.  As a matter of fact, why don't you hop on over to right now and see what's new?  I've added a couple of new pieces and will be adding more over the next few days.  I've changed the button that links to this blog to read News and Blog and may do a little more tweaking as time and inspiration permit.

Let me know in the comments section how you like the new look, please.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Anything you'd like to see different either here or on the web site?  If I can, I'll try to accommodate the most popular requests.

SCHOOL'S OUT!  Happy Summer!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Christian Slater to star in a new pilot for Fox.

Christian Slater will play the lead in another failed show pilot. 

Actually, this one sounds a little more in his ballpark than My Own Worst Enemy and The Forgotten (which I'd actually forgotten about until I read the story here).  It will be a comedy about computer hackers.  No word on whether it will be 30 minutes or 60 and it hasn't been picked up yet - it's just a pilot so far.

I like Christian Slater and am glad that the older he's gotten the less he sounds like Jack Nicholson.  I found that kind of creepy but that may be because I find Jack Nicholson a bit creepy.

So, thoughts or comments on this possible new show?  Should computer hackers be glamorized by making a TV show about them?  (Just trying for something a bit controversial to get the comments started, ya know.)  Do you like Christian Slater?  Do you like him sounding like Jack Nicholson?  Come on, people, talk it up!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:
St. Patrick's Day Sale - Save 17%
Today and tomorrow only, March 17 and 18, enter patrick at checkout and get 17% off your total.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I've been banished!

My youngest child, now 16 years old as of Tuesday, is having 3 friends over for the weekend.  They've taken over the family room and the TV with the DVR.  They even purloined the portable TV from the living room so they can play side by side multiplayer video games. 

I'm having DVR withdrawal.  I still have shows to watch plus the ones that will be recording tonight.  No Project Runway tonight.  No Burn Notice.  No Medium.  Not even Ghost Whisperer and I think this is the 100th episode where someone important is supposed to die.  (Is it really evil of me to hope that it's the kid?  How did they find the worst child actor in the world to play Melinda's son?  Jennifer Love Hewitt must have owed his parents a really huge favor or something.)

So, for now, I have nothing to write about except to say HOORAY!  Haeyley (or however she spells it) is gone from American Idol.  She had such a shrill voice and she got her name from Kelly Rippa's All My Children character.  One of those would be annoying.  Both together was killing me.

Have a great weekend and I should have lots to talk/complain/cheer about once I finally get my DVR back.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Watercooler

I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to watch everything I'd recorded - American Idol, Lost, The Good Wife, and Parenthood.  I'm not sure any of them were worth losing much needed beauty sleep over.

American Idol - The boys were better than last week.  But that shouldn't have been hard to do since last week was the worst week in AI history.  My favorite of the night was Michael the Strong Man who can bench press 4 or 5 Ryan Seacrests depending on whether or not he's wearing a suit.  Pretty much everyone else was forgettable.  That's a good thing.  At least they weren't so terrible they stood out in my mind.  Well, Casey stands out.  His guitar playing was great.  His singing was not.

Lost - I was really into it, wondering what exactly was going to happen to those who stayed in the temple as well as those who didn't.  Then the DVR crapped out and didn't record the last 10 minutes or so.  I did finally watch it online this morning but it kind of lost something 12 hours after seeing the rest of it.  Still, I'm hooked and will be until the end.

The Good Wife - So, Peter is home.  In an apartment that's 1/5 the size of their previous house and still bigger than most homes.  Does anyone really care about him or his political aspirations?  Not me.  I watch it for Christine Baranski and Julianna Margulies.  I've loved Ms Baranski since Cybill.  I liked Julianna Margulies in ER, really liked her in Canterbury's Law and love her in The Good Wife.  She has an understated acting style that's refreshing and feels real.  She moves one little muscle in her face and it says so much.  By the way, I prefer this ankle bracelet over the one Peter had to wear. 

Parenthood - Disclaimer:  I have never seen the movie or the previous television show by the same name.  I watched only because of Lauren Graham.  So far, Lauren Graham is the only thing I really like about the show.  There are so many characters that I don't know a single one by their names.  Not enough time was given to any of them to care about any of them yet.  Already, though, I'm truly annoyed by the commitment-phobic brother (I think his name might be Cody).  I'll watch a few more weeks to see if it grows on me.  I really want to like this show.

Tonight's DVR:
American Idol (hoping that Crystal Bowersox has recovered!), Gary Unmarried, CSI: NY, and Psych.

So, here's where you click on the Comment button and tell us what you watched, what you thought of it, and what you'll be watching tonight.  Ready?  Set?  Go!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My DVR runneth over

Tonight is looking to be a busy night for my poor little DVR.  Scheduled to record are:
8:00 - 10:00  American Idol 
9:00 - 10:00  Lost
10:00 -11:00  The Good Wife and Parenthood

I had to skip the recording of NCIS, but I'll catch it in reruns.  I also had to bump The Biggest Loser to later in the week on FNL.  I can't wait until AI goes back to 1 hour shows and I certainly hope tonight's show is better than last week.  Did you hear that the guys are singing tonight instead of the girls?  Crystal Bowersox has a "medical issue" that prevents her from singing tonight.  Out of the 20 contestants left, there are only about 4 I care about and she's one of them.  I'm hoping that they all improve once they become more comfortable on the stage and get over some of the initial nerves.  Yup, I'm an AI optimist.

I've been really looking forward to Parenthood.  I'll finally have Lauren Graham back on my TV screen.  I will gladly admit that she's the only reason I'm giving this show a chance.  The commercials have been less than interesting but maybe they are saving the best stuff for the show itself. 

I'm not sure how I feel about Hubby coming home to live with Alicia on The Good Wife.  I still don't really understand why she hasn't kicked him to the curb, so to speak.  I haven't seen a lot of love from her.  He actually does still seem smitten with her, despite his philandering.  But, in her shoes, I don't know if I'd ever trust him again.  It should be interesting to watch it play out.

That leaves Lost. Ah, Lost.  I'm just as confused as I ever was and you know what?  That's just fine with me.  While everyone else is wondering who's the mama of Jack's son in the flash sideways or how the lighthouse could be there but nobody ever saw it, I'm content to just let it play out and take me along for the ride.  Oh sure, I wonder a bit about that stuff but not to the point of obsession.  That would take all the fun out of it.  I obsess about enough things in my real life.  I refuse to do it about a TV show.

So, what's on your DVR for tonight?

Monday, March 1, 2010

It really is Monday

Mondays are the days when all my best laid plans fall through.  It's the day that is supposed to start off my week with a bang and set the tone for the rest of the week.   That's what it's supposed to do.  Reality is a whole 'nother story.

I had planned to start each day this week with at least 2 hours of working on the blog, updating the web site and "social networking."  Then I'd do my 8 hours of my day job and work on creating beautiful, funky and awe-inspiring jewelry in the evenings.  That was my new plan.  Life is what happens while we're making other plans.

I woke up early today, against my wishes.  I did head for the computer but my brain wasn't really awake even though my body was.  I figured while waiting for the brain to catch up to the body, I'd spend a little time catching up on e-mail, Facebook and Twitter that I'd all but ignored over the way too short weekend.  Then the phone rang.  It was work and I had to take care of something right away.  (There are a ton of pluses to working from home but the minus is that you are always in the office.)  It didn't take long but managed to sidetrack me from my plan.  I did finally catch up on the e-mail, etc. but now it's time to actually start the day job.  So, the blog is short today and nothing about TV, not that I had all that much to say anyway, but still . . .

Anyway, hopefully I can stay focused on the day job so that it doesn't run over into the creative time and I'll try to start all over tomorrow.  Tuesday will be the new Monday, the day that kicks my week into gear.

If only I wasn't so easily distracted.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Am I unAmerican if I don't watch the Olympics?

It seems like everyone has Olympic fever. Except me. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe, if I actually sat down and watched it, I'd like it. I just don't have the interest. Especially for winter sports.

I've never been the type to voluntarily go out in the snow for any longer than it takes to get from the house to the car. I don't think I enjoyed snow much as a kid either. Oh, I remember making the requisite snow angels. I don't, however, remember enjoying it. My first memory of actively hating the snow and cold was the first (and last) time I rode on a snowmobile. I was 14. Why anyone would think that racing through the cold with the wind whipping you in the face and bringing freezing tears to your eyes is fun is beyond my comprehension. Talk about wind chill factor!

I did try skiing when I was in high school. My favorite part was sitting by the fire with hot chocolate. I am sedentary by nature. I liked the idea of skiing and even ice skating but the reality fell flat for me. I actually break out in hives if exposed to wet cold for more than a minute or two. Yup. I'm allergic to snow.

Winter has been heavenly since I moved from the Great Frozen North (aka Syracuse, NY) to central Virginia. A snowstorm meant an inch or two that was gone by the next day. Until this winter. Schools are closed again today. This is going on three weeks since our school district had classes. People talk about global warming and laugh hysterically. If this keeps up, cabin fever will become more of a health concern than swine flu.

Is it any wonder I'm confused by people who actually choose to spend hours and hours in the cold and snow and call it sport? Am I a bad person for wishing the Olympics would be over sooner rather than later so I can get back to watching my shows? Everything is either preempted or in reruns. If I do decide to give the Olympics a break, what should I be watching? What's the most interesting to you, the most compelling? What wouldn't make me break out in hives?

These earrings are my homage to the Olympics.

Monday, February 8, 2010

After the Super Bowl

New Orleans won. Congratulations. Now, let's get to talking about what everyone is really talking about this morning, post Super Bowl. The commercials!

In the spirit of honesty, I haven't seen all of them. I only watched about half of the first quarter and haven't gotten around to viewing the commercials online yet. However, I did notice a few that really stood out and wonder if any of the others are even worth looking at.

Snickers - Genius using Betty White and Abe Vigoda. I hereby nominate Betty White as the current Grande Dame of comedy.

Doritos - Loved the one with the little boy slapping his mom's date after the guy took a Dorito. "Put it back and keep your hands off my mom." (I don't think that's an exact quote.)

Any car commercial - Boring. Is it an unwritten rule that all car commercials must be boring? - Only saw the one with Danika Patrick getting a massage but all their commercials are a little creepy and uncomfortable to watch. They make me very glad that I switched to a different web host. (If you want to know who I'm using now, let me know and I'll be glad to refer you.)

Budweiser Human Bridge - Original and amusing but I think seeing it once was enough.

Bud Light Asteroid - Were some the actors from the Dharma Initiative on Lost? I spent too much time trying to figure that out and didn't really pay attention to the commercial itself.

Bud Light House of Beer - Again, original and amusing but one viewing was enough.

So, that's what I saw. Do you agree with my comments? Are there others worth seeing? What was your favorite? Mine was the Snickers commercial.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Last night's LOST was so unbelievable that I don't even have a jewelry tie-in to go with it.  Spoilers abound in this post.  If you haven't seen it yet, go watch and come back after to discuss. 

I work at home.  For the most part, I love it.  I don't miss the office politics, fighting traffic, deciding what to wear and all that stuff.  The one thing I do miss, however, is gathering around and discussing groundbreaking television moments.  Last night's LOST episode was one of those moments.  So, I'm doing a public service for those of us who have nobody to discuss LOST with and opening up this blog for discussion.

Most importantly to me, what was going on with the two different scenarios - life as if the plane never crashed and life on the island after the explosion?  What's your take on this?  I read elsewhere that the plane not crashing stuff was a parallel universe.  I'm not so sure about that.  I mean, where was this parallel universe before the explosion?  Did the explosion create it or was it always there?  If it was always there, why haven't we seen it before and what's the meaning of showing it now?  I'm thinking that it's more of an alternate story, like this is what would have happened if the plane didn't crash.  Notice how the characters still interacted with each other, both on and off the plane?  Seriously, how many times are those kinds of connections made in real life?  You sit next to someone.  Maybe you talk, maybe you don't, but once you get off the plane, the other person is pretty much forgotten.

Next subject for discussion:  Locke (or faux Locke).  He's the smoke monster?!  Is he also the man in black?  In Locke's body, he has a sense of humor - "Sorry you had to see me like that."  But he also seems a bit malevolent or at least not terribly nice.  So what's the story here?  Opinions please, because I don't know what to think.

So nice that Juliet got a proper death scene and burial.  So sad for Sawyer.  So weird that her last words, well to Myles anyway, were "it worked."  How exactly did it work?  Is the whole strangers on a plane scenario the reality now and the island thing is life after death?  But then how could Juliet die if they were all already dead?

Speaking of dead.  Love that Hurley sees dead people and isn't the fazed by it in the least.  Jacob:  "I died about an hour ago."  Hurley:  "Sorry Dude.  That sucks."  Hugo/Hurley is my favorite LOST character with Charlie being a close second.  It was great seeing Charlie on the plane and I hope we get to see more of him.

Who else knew that Sayid wouldn't stay dead?  Who else thinks that he's now Jacob?  Who else really really really wants to know what was on that piece of paper that was inside the ankh from the guitar case?  (Loved Hurley's response when asked if he'd looked inside the case.  "Um. Maybe?"

There's a ton of other stuff I haven't even touched on, like why wasn't Claire on the plane (or was she?), where did Desmond disappear to, where is the body of Jack's dad?  Why wasn't the water in the temple spring clear and did it look kind of bloody to you?  What exactly is this temple and who are these other others?  Why was the island under water in the non-crash story? 

I was hoping for some answers but got more questions instead.  Not that I'm complaining.  I loved it.  At some point I stopped trying to figure it out and just went along for the ride.  It was a fun and interesting ride.  But Sayid summed it all up for me with the last line of the night.  What happened?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Did the Grammy's make a Big Bang?

Yeah, I'm a little late.  It took me a while to decide what I wanted to say about this year's Grammy Awards show.  I'm still not sure.  I do know that it got great ratings, better than it has in past years.  Any ideas why?

The big showstopper, of course, was Pink.  Her very theatrical show was entertaining, unexpected and a little daring.  It sure made Lady Gaga and Elton John look tame by comparison.  Speaking of Lady Gaga, I just don't get her.  I don't think her voice is all that great and she seems to be out for just shock value.  Been there, done that with Madonna, who has a much better voice.  However, I did love the futuristic looking dress that Lady Gaga wore on the red carpet.  

Again, on the red carpet, there were gowns with large expanses of bare neck and chest areas just crying out for some jewelry.  Why such a dearth of necklaces on red carpets this year?  I get it on some.  It would take away the drama of a great neckline, or the earrings worn were glitzy enough.  But some women just looked like they were in such a hurry they forgot their jewelry.  Is it just me?  When I get dressed up, I don't feel sufficiently dressed up unless I'm wearing at least one piece of killer jewelry.  

Anyway, here's my Grammy Winner.  I created it during the boring parts of the show.  It appears that I had plenty of time to complete it.   

Oh! I almost forgot!  So far this week, my favorite TV moment was watching Sheldon and Leonard in the ball pit on The Big Bang Theory.  Watching two geniuses playing tag in a kiddie play area was so ridiculous it had me laughing until I was out of breath.  Bazinga!  (I have got to come up with a piece of jewelry and name it that!)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Favorite Commercial

Recently, on Facebook, a friend complained about a commercial she hates.  It got me to thinking.  Everyone always complains about commercials but we rarely give praise to the ones we like. 

My favorite commercial of all time, one that I could easily watch over and over again, is a Visa Check Card commercial.  In this one, a guy is getting a tattoo of his girlfriend's name, Donna.  In the background, we hear a cover of Richie Valens' "Oh Donna."  As it turns out, he doesn't have enough money and the tattoo artist stops before completing the artwork.  As the poor fellow's girlfriend walks out on him, we see a closeup of the tattoo stating "I love Don."  In keeping with the new artwork, the song changes to "Oh Don."  The guy turns to the camera and says, "Very funny."  It is and I laugh every time.  In case you'd like to see it for yourself, here's a YouTube link: 

So?  What's your favorite commercial?  Why do you like it?  Is it a nostalgia thing?  Does it touch you emotionally?  Does it make you laugh?

While we're on the subject of commercials, here's one of my own.

I've added some new pieces to my web site.  Here's an example.  I hope you like it.  (Yeah, not an entertaining commercial, but it's short, sweet and to the point.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I love me some Winchester boys and it's been too long since I've had a Sam and Dean fix.  Welcome back to my TV screen guys.

Our boys got themselves checked into "Hotel California" simply by telling the truth about their lives, hunting, the apocalypse and hanging out with a trenchcoat-wearing angel.  How and why is something better left to the zillions of blogs and websites that focus on episode recaps.  I focus on my opinions and observations, not full recaps.  If  you haven't seen "Sam Interrupted" yet, go crank up your DVR or watch it online or read a recap and let's get started with the discussions.

Did anyone think that Nurse Ratched's eyes turned black when we first met her and she turned her back on Sam and Dean?  I watched that several times and am pretty sure they were black and that she was going to be the baddie of the week.  But then they went and threw some red herrings at us and I got all confused.  Did you figure it out right away or did you have a few false guesses as well?  I figured the male doctor was a little too obvious but was leaning towards Wendy, the poor girl who was forced to make out with both Sam and Dean.  I really liked Dean's lady doc.  She "got" him.  Too bad she was a delusion.

The only real problems I had with this episode were 2 plot holes that you could have driven the Impala through.  One:  How did they end up in the morgue?  Since when does any patient have free access to all areas of a hospital, not to mention psych patients?  You'd think they would be on a locked ward, wouldn't you?  Second:  The escape was way too easy.  It's like they just strolled out.  And really, Sam, before you start emoting about your anger issues, get in the damn car and get the hell out of Dodge!

All in all, this was a good episode.  The brothers were back together and working together.  There was just the right touch of brother interaction, angst, humor and creepy.  May I also add that Jensen Ackles does crazy really well?

Favorite lines:
I like him now.  He's larger.
The whole speech about how crazy brains taste better.  (Yeah, I'm sick like that.)

Here's the part where you click on Comment and tell me your favorite lines and your observations and opinions about this episode, or Supernatural in general.  While you're gathering your thoughts, take a peek at this necklace.  How does it fit in with Supernatural?  It's a crazy mix of snowflake obsidian and rose quartz crocheted on wire.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is it Wednesday already?!

My, how time flies. What have you watched so far this week?

How I Met Your Mother.  I will forever feel the need to take a drink whenever I hear someone say, "But, um."  Oh, and remind me never to get on Lilly's bad side.

The Big Bank Theory.  Does anyone else just pretend to know what they're talking about when they get all scientific?  I wonder how much of it is true.  But some of it has a very profound effect on my own life.  Just last night, as I was lying in bed, I thought to myself, "I am the master of my own bladder."  It didn't work any better for me than it did for Sheldon.

Castle.  Very little Mom and daughter in this episode but loved the hug Mom gave to Beckett.  Very cool how Kate is becoming a part of the family.  Bummed though, that they didn't find out who was behind her mother's murder.  I hope they don't make it a constant big thing.

The Biggest Loser.  Loved seeing Bob lose it at the weigh-in.  How many think the red team is totally playing the game?  I'd think so but the husband got really upset at Bob and Jillian when they called wifey a liar, so it makes me wonder.  Maybe he's not in on it?  Or maybe she really can't lose the weight for some weird reason.  Yeah, right.

American Idol.  Nobody stood out for me last night except Shania Twain.  She actually had interesting things to say and knows her music.  So far, she's been the best guest judge.  Which makes me worry just a little about Ellen.

Tonight doesn't look terribly exciting on the TV front, but tomorrow?  My DVR is full.  I won't get to everything in one night but will definitely be watching the return of my very favorite show - SUPERNATURAL.  Also, Burn Notice is back!

No tie-ins with jewelry yet this week but I'm hoping Project Runway will spark something.  In the meantime:  My website is brand new with new items, new pictures and a working shopping cart!  It also has a guest book if you'd like to leave a comment.  (If you must criticize, be gentle and constructive.)  Sweet Pea Creationz also now has a page on FaceBook.  Just enter Sweet Pea Creationz in the search box and follow the link.  I'd love it if you'd become a fan.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Catching up

It's been a busy week.  I actually left the house last night and today!  I've been making jewelry like a madwoman and working on my new web site - which is scheduled to go live on Monday.  So, not a lot of TV time or blogging time.  But let's take a look and see what I've watched so far this week.

I did watch Desperate Housewives but, frankly, don't remember much of it.  I enjoy it while I'm watching it but forget it soon after.  It's not really appointment TV for me these days.  (Just remembered Susan pole dancing.  I could have happily lived without that memory.)

Worst Cooks in America is mildly amusing and makes me think there might be hope for me yet.

I've already commented on House, HIMYM, Castle and the first round of AI auditions.  Doesn't anyone else watch House, HIMYM or Castle?

Very little else was comment-worthy.  (Anyone remember sponge-worthy?  Yeah, I have a warped mind and my train of thought often derails like that.)  Of course, Pants on The Ground was an instant classic and I think people who disdain AI have heard this song and seen the video.   But I also liked Vanessa Jo, and her trip to Hollywood on an "aeroplane" should be fun to watch.  I'm waiting to watch Dollhouse and Sanctuary with my son and I'm sure they will be worth the wait.   Dollhouse is getting so good now that it only has an episode or two left.

I did enjoy the first outing for this season's Project Runway.  The winning dress was actually my favorite, which rarely happens.  I also liked that designer's personality, even if I can't remember his name.  I'm terrible with names.  They have to get down to about 6 or so before I can remember them.  I was so glad to see the whole gang back together, Heidi, Tim (I heart Tim Gunn), Nina and Michael, but do we really need "celebuNOT" judges?  I wonder how they decide what goes on the accessory wall?  My dream is to have someone wear a piece of my jewelry on a red carpet and getting something on Project Runway would be a good start, doncha think?  How about this one?  Is it funky yet couture enough?  It's crocheted wire with beads.  A little departure from the chainmaille but it's almost as addicting and you can never be quite sure how it's going to turn out until it's done.

So, what did YOU watch this week?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Will You Watch American Idol Without Paula?

Someone asked me this the other day and my answer was, "Of course!"  I don't watch it for the judges.  I watch it for the singers.

That said, if you didn't watch Tuesday's show yet and don't want spoilers, go wash the dishes or something and come back after you've watched the episode.

I don't really have much in the way of spoilers, actually.  I'm terrible with names in these early stages but I do remember one girl.  Her name was Maddie.  She was 16 and came from a large family.  One of her brothers has Down's Syndrome and her parents adopted several other boys with Down's Syndrome as well.  There was video of her with her brothers and I was so impressed.  The judges commented on her maturity.  Simon said most 16 year olds who audition are annoying but she wasn't.  Not only that - she could sing!  She made it to Hollywood and I'm looking forward to more from her.

The only other 2 that really stood out for me were the Italian guy with the huge family and the girl who sang Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead.  He was a riot and seemed genuinely nice.  His voice wasn't bad either.  The girl could scat!  I really enjoyed her singing and was disappointed they didn't really focus on her much.

As entertaining as these audition rounds are, I wish they would focus more on the ones who make it through to Hollywood and not so much on the bad singers and crazies.  But that's just me.  My sons only like the early audition rounds and stop watching once they get to Hollywood.

My focus piece of jewelry today will be these earrings because the red beads make me think of the ruby slippers Dorothy got when she landed in Oz.  Ding Dong! The witch is dead!

Tonight, I'll be watching the Wednesday edition of American Idol and possibly Ugly Betty if there's time. Please click on Comment and let's talk!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So, what did you watch last night?

Last night I watched House, How I Met Your Mother and Castle. I kind of watched Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. It was on in the background while I worked on my new web site (launch date hopefully next Monday, January 18, 2010). So, if you have any of those shows on your DVR but haven't watched them yet, you might want to go do something else and come back to read this after you've seen the show.

Coast clear? Good. How awesome is Neil Patrick Harris? His homage to suits in song and dance was the stuff of which legends are made. (I really had to stop myself from doing the whole "wait for it" thing. It's really only funny when Barney does it.) I do wish that the others sang more but hopefully their time will come. I have to ask. Does anyone really care about the mother anymore? I just want to watch these friends live their lives and interact. Although, I do have to say it was very flattering that the mother's roommate was named after me - Cindy.

On to House. I didn't really pay close attention to this episode. It wasn't riveting. The whole House/Wilson gay thing was amusing, especially when Wilson proposed to House in the restaurant. Wilson isn't as tightly wrapped as he first appears, is he? I didn't pay much attention to the whole prank on Foreman gag. I saw the end of that one coming from the beginning. Same thing with the sick guy. I knew he was a cop right off the bat. However, I did think that he and his partner in crime might have been partners in another sense, so I was surprised to find out the cop had a wife. I forget what disease he had but I do remember that it was incurable. Nice that they lose a patient once in a while. What? I can say that. It's just fiction!

What can I say about my Castle? More people should be watching this show. It's so full of little side things like the faces Castle makes when someone else is actually the focus of the scene. I never saw Firefly. (Shoot me now.) I did see Nathan Fillion on Desperate Housewives and was underwhelmed. I honestly couldn't see why there was so much fuss about this guy. His character was boring. However, as Castle? Superb! Sublime! Wait. Were there other people in last night's episode? Oh yeah. Alyssa Milano guest starred as a former flame of Castle's who was getting married and found one of her bridesmaids murdered. I loved her on Who's The Boss and Charmed. On Castle, she was eh. Seriously, any competent, attractive actress could have played that role. There was nothing special. I don't know if it can be blamed on Ms Milano or the writing or directing.

So, out of everything I watched last night, what was my favorite scene? Rick Castle duct taped to a chair and trying to escape.

I bet you are dying to see how I tie this into jewelry, aren't you? Well, after seeing Castle's wrists tied up with duct tape, I decided I'd much rather see this bracelet on his wrist.  I don't see him wearing a lot of jewelry or "bling," but I can picture him rocking this half persian bracelet.

So, what was YOUR favorite scene of all the shows you watched last night?  Please click on Comment and discuss.  (Yes, the comment link has been fixed - I hope!) 

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What's on my DVR this week?

The holidays are finally over and my shows are beginning to come out of reruns or returning from hiatus. I've also added one or two new - at least to me - shows. So, without further ado, let's see what I'll be watching this week.
Tonight - SUNDAY: Desperate Housewives, Worst Cooks in America (Food Network)
MONDAY: House; How I Met Your Mother; Heroes; The Big Bang Theory; Castle; Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (Food Network)
TUESDAY: American Idol; The Good Wife. Also recording Scrubs for my son and I might give it a look.
WEDNESDAY: American Idol; Gary Unmarried; CSI: NY; Ugly Betty
THURSDAY: CSI (The Original); Private Practice; The Mentalist; Project Runway; Models of the Runway
FRIDAY: Ghost Whisperer; Dollhouse; Medium; The Best Thing I Ever Ate (Food Network); Sanctuary; What Not to Wear (TLC)
SATURDAY: The Dish (Style)

I don't always watch a show the same day it airs and you're probably the same, if you have a DVR. I will make sure I put the name of any show I write about either in the title of that day's blog or in the first sentence or two. That way, if you haven't watched it yet, you can stop reading and come back after you've seen it and join in on the discussion. Please don't expect me to write about every show every week. But if there's one you'd like to discuss, please feel free to start a conversation in Comments.

So, what's on on your DVR?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Long time no see

It's been a while. How have you been?

Okay, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I have a favor to ask.

I'd really like to get serious about my jewelry business. I plan on doing more shows this year but I also want to increase online sales. Everyone says I need to have a blog and need to update it regularly. But what would make someone, like you, read a blog where the ultimate goal is to get you to buy jewelry and/or tell other people about it so they would read it and buy jewelry? Seriously, how many times can I say, "I make really cool stuff so please go to my website and buy it"?

So, I figure that I shouldn't really focus the blog on the jewelry stuff. I should maybe write stuff that people, like you, would be interested in reading and maybe tell their friends about. But every so often, (daily?) add a picture of a necklace or bracelet and a link to my shop. That way, I'm entertaining you or informing you but not hitting you over the head to shop. I mean, really, who is going to buy a new piece of jewelry every day or every week? Especially from the same person? But, if I can keep you informed or entertained, maybe the fact that I do make really cool stuff will stick in your brain the next time you need to buy a gift or want something special to go with a new outfit.

Sound good? I think so.

Now comes the part where I ask the favor.

What would make you keep coming back to read what I write? Are you interested in the minute details of my life? Do you want to know that I now have a cold that it seems came back with me from my Florida vacation? Yeah, I didn't think so. Do you want to hear my thoughts and ideas on raising children? I'm no expert, but I certainly did a lot of it with 6 boys. I have a lot of funny stories that I'm sure my sons would just love for me to share with the world. Or not.

I'm kind of leaning towards writing about television. I watch a lot of TV. Too much, probably. I also critique commercials. I don't think I could tell the ad people how to write a good commercial but I can certainly tell them what turns me off. If you are still reading this far, you're probably wondering how this could possibly tie in with jewelry. Well, my friend, I'm about to tell you. I could probably say something like this: I was bored last night because none of "my" shows were on and I've watched everything on my DVR. I took a chance and watched Courtney Cox's new show, Cougar Town. While I didn't laugh out loud at anything and I had no idea who was who or how they were all related, I was still slightly amused. I'd go on for a little bit about what or why I was amused or something like that and then I'd go on to say: Did you see the earrings that Courtney Cox was wearing? They were okay but I think something like these would have gone better with her outfit. And here is where I'd insert a picture of a pair of MY earrings. Sneaky, huh?

So? Would you read a blog like that? Would you come back to read more? Would you add your comments and keep a conversation going? (This is the part where you hit Comment and add your 2 cents - pretty please?)

P.S. I promise I won't always have such long posts. Unless you like long posts.