Monday, February 15, 2010

Am I unAmerican if I don't watch the Olympics?

It seems like everyone has Olympic fever. Except me. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe, if I actually sat down and watched it, I'd like it. I just don't have the interest. Especially for winter sports.

I've never been the type to voluntarily go out in the snow for any longer than it takes to get from the house to the car. I don't think I enjoyed snow much as a kid either. Oh, I remember making the requisite snow angels. I don't, however, remember enjoying it. My first memory of actively hating the snow and cold was the first (and last) time I rode on a snowmobile. I was 14. Why anyone would think that racing through the cold with the wind whipping you in the face and bringing freezing tears to your eyes is fun is beyond my comprehension. Talk about wind chill factor!

I did try skiing when I was in high school. My favorite part was sitting by the fire with hot chocolate. I am sedentary by nature. I liked the idea of skiing and even ice skating but the reality fell flat for me. I actually break out in hives if exposed to wet cold for more than a minute or two. Yup. I'm allergic to snow.

Winter has been heavenly since I moved from the Great Frozen North (aka Syracuse, NY) to central Virginia. A snowstorm meant an inch or two that was gone by the next day. Until this winter. Schools are closed again today. This is going on three weeks since our school district had classes. People talk about global warming and laugh hysterically. If this keeps up, cabin fever will become more of a health concern than swine flu.

Is it any wonder I'm confused by people who actually choose to spend hours and hours in the cold and snow and call it sport? Am I a bad person for wishing the Olympics would be over sooner rather than later so I can get back to watching my shows? Everything is either preempted or in reruns. If I do decide to give the Olympics a break, what should I be watching? What's the most interesting to you, the most compelling? What wouldn't make me break out in hives?

These earrings are my homage to the Olympics.

Monday, February 8, 2010

After the Super Bowl

New Orleans won. Congratulations. Now, let's get to talking about what everyone is really talking about this morning, post Super Bowl. The commercials!

In the spirit of honesty, I haven't seen all of them. I only watched about half of the first quarter and haven't gotten around to viewing the commercials online yet. However, I did notice a few that really stood out and wonder if any of the others are even worth looking at.

Snickers - Genius using Betty White and Abe Vigoda. I hereby nominate Betty White as the current Grande Dame of comedy.

Doritos - Loved the one with the little boy slapping his mom's date after the guy took a Dorito. "Put it back and keep your hands off my mom." (I don't think that's an exact quote.)

Any car commercial - Boring. Is it an unwritten rule that all car commercials must be boring? - Only saw the one with Danika Patrick getting a massage but all their commercials are a little creepy and uncomfortable to watch. They make me very glad that I switched to a different web host. (If you want to know who I'm using now, let me know and I'll be glad to refer you.)

Budweiser Human Bridge - Original and amusing but I think seeing it once was enough.

Bud Light Asteroid - Were some the actors from the Dharma Initiative on Lost? I spent too much time trying to figure that out and didn't really pay attention to the commercial itself.

Bud Light House of Beer - Again, original and amusing but one viewing was enough.

So, that's what I saw. Do you agree with my comments? Are there others worth seeing? What was your favorite? Mine was the Snickers commercial.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Last night's LOST was so unbelievable that I don't even have a jewelry tie-in to go with it.  Spoilers abound in this post.  If you haven't seen it yet, go watch and come back after to discuss. 

I work at home.  For the most part, I love it.  I don't miss the office politics, fighting traffic, deciding what to wear and all that stuff.  The one thing I do miss, however, is gathering around and discussing groundbreaking television moments.  Last night's LOST episode was one of those moments.  So, I'm doing a public service for those of us who have nobody to discuss LOST with and opening up this blog for discussion.

Most importantly to me, what was going on with the two different scenarios - life as if the plane never crashed and life on the island after the explosion?  What's your take on this?  I read elsewhere that the plane not crashing stuff was a parallel universe.  I'm not so sure about that.  I mean, where was this parallel universe before the explosion?  Did the explosion create it or was it always there?  If it was always there, why haven't we seen it before and what's the meaning of showing it now?  I'm thinking that it's more of an alternate story, like this is what would have happened if the plane didn't crash.  Notice how the characters still interacted with each other, both on and off the plane?  Seriously, how many times are those kinds of connections made in real life?  You sit next to someone.  Maybe you talk, maybe you don't, but once you get off the plane, the other person is pretty much forgotten.

Next subject for discussion:  Locke (or faux Locke).  He's the smoke monster?!  Is he also the man in black?  In Locke's body, he has a sense of humor - "Sorry you had to see me like that."  But he also seems a bit malevolent or at least not terribly nice.  So what's the story here?  Opinions please, because I don't know what to think.

So nice that Juliet got a proper death scene and burial.  So sad for Sawyer.  So weird that her last words, well to Myles anyway, were "it worked."  How exactly did it work?  Is the whole strangers on a plane scenario the reality now and the island thing is life after death?  But then how could Juliet die if they were all already dead?

Speaking of dead.  Love that Hurley sees dead people and isn't the fazed by it in the least.  Jacob:  "I died about an hour ago."  Hurley:  "Sorry Dude.  That sucks."  Hugo/Hurley is my favorite LOST character with Charlie being a close second.  It was great seeing Charlie on the plane and I hope we get to see more of him.

Who else knew that Sayid wouldn't stay dead?  Who else thinks that he's now Jacob?  Who else really really really wants to know what was on that piece of paper that was inside the ankh from the guitar case?  (Loved Hurley's response when asked if he'd looked inside the case.  "Um. Maybe?"

There's a ton of other stuff I haven't even touched on, like why wasn't Claire on the plane (or was she?), where did Desmond disappear to, where is the body of Jack's dad?  Why wasn't the water in the temple spring clear and did it look kind of bloody to you?  What exactly is this temple and who are these other others?  Why was the island under water in the non-crash story? 

I was hoping for some answers but got more questions instead.  Not that I'm complaining.  I loved it.  At some point I stopped trying to figure it out and just went along for the ride.  It was a fun and interesting ride.  But Sayid summed it all up for me with the last line of the night.  What happened?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Did the Grammy's make a Big Bang?

Yeah, I'm a little late.  It took me a while to decide what I wanted to say about this year's Grammy Awards show.  I'm still not sure.  I do know that it got great ratings, better than it has in past years.  Any ideas why?

The big showstopper, of course, was Pink.  Her very theatrical show was entertaining, unexpected and a little daring.  It sure made Lady Gaga and Elton John look tame by comparison.  Speaking of Lady Gaga, I just don't get her.  I don't think her voice is all that great and she seems to be out for just shock value.  Been there, done that with Madonna, who has a much better voice.  However, I did love the futuristic looking dress that Lady Gaga wore on the red carpet.  

Again, on the red carpet, there were gowns with large expanses of bare neck and chest areas just crying out for some jewelry.  Why such a dearth of necklaces on red carpets this year?  I get it on some.  It would take away the drama of a great neckline, or the earrings worn were glitzy enough.  But some women just looked like they were in such a hurry they forgot their jewelry.  Is it just me?  When I get dressed up, I don't feel sufficiently dressed up unless I'm wearing at least one piece of killer jewelry.  

Anyway, here's my Grammy Winner.  I created it during the boring parts of the show.  It appears that I had plenty of time to complete it.   

Oh! I almost forgot!  So far this week, my favorite TV moment was watching Sheldon and Leonard in the ball pit on The Big Bang Theory.  Watching two geniuses playing tag in a kiddie play area was so ridiculous it had me laughing until I was out of breath.  Bazinga!  (I have got to come up with a piece of jewelry and name it that!)